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The Soul Speaker

Telepathic Counseling From Higher Consciousness

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Meet Anita

Anita Eubank is a modern day mystic who has worked as a Spiritual Intuitive Counselor and Energy Healer for over thirty years. She has the rare ability to channel spiritual insight and higher frequencies of light to heal mental and emotional issues.  Anita lives and works from the heart. 


In 2001, eleven days after 9/11, Anita received a direct transmission from God — and was given the story of The Rainbow of Hope, a book of inspiration for children and adults alike.


Anita currently resides in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where she offers her counseling and healing services in person and online.

Monthly Soul Connection

Receive the transmission of the month from Higher Consciousness, including inspirational meditations, and more!

Almond Blossom
Counseling Session

1 hr.




2021 The Soul Speaker TM

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